Got questions? We’ve got answers
We know you might have some questions about how Monthly Staff works, and we’re here to help. Our FAQs section covers everything from how the platform operates to how you can get started, whether you’re an employer or a job seeker. And if you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to us directly – we’re always here to help.
You browse our pool of talented professionals, see what they’re asking for in monthly pay, and connect with them directly via WhatsApp. No fees, no middlemen.
While we specialize in software development, you’ll find professionals across various fields including design, marketing, and more.
None. Zilch. Zero. We’re committed to being the most transparent hiring platform out there.
You handle payments directly with your hire. We don’t get involved – our goal is to make the hiring process as seamless as possible.
Direct answers
Find quick, straightforward answers to common questions.
Comprehensive help
We cover all the basics – from how it works to how you get paid.
Ongoing support
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us directly.
User-friendly platform
Designed to be simple and easy to use for both employers and job seekers.